Baseball In Paradise

by monksathletics

Hello!  Not too much has changed since last week.  My schedule has pretty much remained the same: Wake up, play baseball, then go to the beach all day…Trust me I’m not complaining.  The one thing out of the ordinary that I experienced however happened yesterday.  After realizing that we were way too inexperienced and way too “not from Hawaii” to surf on the treacherous North Shore beach on our day off, my roommates and I, and a couple of guys from Northwestern decided we wanted to go on a hike and then jump off a waterfall.  We debated between Manoa Falls, Alapena Falls, and Maunawili Falls and eventually decided on Maunawili..Definitely a good choice.

Unfortunately for us, even the locals do not know where Maunawili Falls is.  So trying to figure it out with the cab driver turned out to be a project.  As the cab fare went up more and more we decided to get out and walk the rest of the way..definitely a bold decision considering we had no idea where we were and niether did the locals..But after about 35 minutes of walking we stumbled upon the entrance to the Maunawili trails.

We began the hike oblivious to the fact that it absolutely poured the night before, meaning the whole hike would be in mud…also meaning that wearing our favorite shoes was definitely poor decision.  After 45 minutes of hiking we eventually made it to the waterfall, which supposedly used to be a royal Hawaiian bathing area.  At the falls there was a 50 foot cliff and a few smaller cliffs that we could jump off of.  The area we hiked through literally seemed like a scene out of Jurassic Park.  There were vines and crazy plants and trees and I’m pretty sure I saw a Pterodactyl?…But im not 100% sure…

Today we start a 4 game series against the Oahu Paddlers, I’ll talk to you guys next Thursday!


Joe Coyne

p.s  Aidan, Pat, and Brayden I’ll pick you guys up in a few..On my time.  Miss you guysImage